MCC Privacy Policy
The Melbourne Chess Club (the Club) recognises the importance of the privacy of individuals in relation to their personal information.
This document is our privacy policy and it tells you how we collect and manage your personal information.
As of the date of this document, the Club is not bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the Act). Regardless of this, the Club aspires to collect and manage your personal information in a manner that is respectful of the rights of individuals that exist under the Act.
What is your personal information?
Essentially ‘personal information’ means any information that can be used to personally identify you.
This may include your name, date of birth, family relationships, address, telephone number, email address and profession or occupation. If the information we collect personally identifies you, or you are reasonably identifiable from it, the information will be considered personal information and fall within the application of this policy.
What personal information do we collect and hold?
Mailing or street address;
Telephone number(s);
Any other personal contact details you wish to provide;
Age or date (or year) of birth;
Profession or occupation;
The family relationship between you as Club member and other Club members;
Information you provide to us through any of the Club’s surveys or online contact, including the Club’s website.
How we collect your personal information?
The Club collects your personal information directly from you in most cases, where reasonable and practicable. The ways the Club collects personal information from you may include:
Through the collection of completed membership application forms either at the Club or online;
Through the registration of entries to the Club’s tournaments either at the Club or online;
Through the registration into any of Club’s other chess activities, such as its training sessions or lectures, either at the Club or online;
Through receipt of enquiries sent through the Club’s website or email address;
Through receipt of any orders for goods sold from the Club’s bookshop; or
When the law requires (e.g. reporting on the Club’s general meetings).
How we hold personal information?
The Melbourne Chess Club holds personal information in hard copy and electronic formats. Wherever practicable, hard copy records of personal information are kept within locked rooms within the Club’s premises. Electronic records of personal information are retained in the Club’s computers and in the Club’s online storage drives. Only Club members authorised by the Club’s Committee may access the Club’s computers and online storage drives to handle personal information. In some instances, Committee members may download personal information on to their own personal computers for the purpose of performing their Committee duties.
Purposes for collecting, holding, using and disclosing personal information
The Melbourne Chess Club collects, holds and uses personal information for a number of purposes including:
to register Club members, including the type of membership relevant to each Club member;
to maintain contact with, and respond to requests or queries by, Club members and visitors;
to notify Club members and visitors of the Club’s upcoming chess tournaments and activities;
to publish online player registrations and results for the Club’s chess tournaments;
to register players for the Club’s chess tournaments and other chess activities;
for administrative purposes;
to conduct surveys;
for seeking feedback;
to meet any regulatory obligations; or
for any other purposes related to the Club’s activities.
If you do not provide the Club with the personal information it has requested, the Club may not be able to complete or fulfil the purpose for which such information was collected. In particular, failure to provide relevant personal information will result in either the exclusion of non-complying players from FIDE-rated tournaments or the failure of such tournaments to be rated by FIDE.
The types of third parties to whom we may disclose your personal information include:
various chess governing bodies, including Chess Victoria, the Australian Chess Federation, and FIDE [i]
other Victorian-based chess clubs;
individuals acting for the purpose of organising or arbiting chess tournaments;
third-party operators of chess tournament organising software [ii]
chess tutors or chess tutoring businesses, where chess tutoring has been requested;
government or regulatory bodies or agencies, where required (e.g. Consumer Affairs Victoria).
Further Information
Should you seek any further information concerning the matters covered in this policy, please contact the Club Secretary.
[i] - We share dates of birth of registered players with FIDE and the Australian Chess Federation. Currently, it is FIDE practice to publish the year of birth of players registered with FIDE.
[ii] - Currently, the Club uses the Tornelo software package, run by Chess World (Australia) Ptd Ltd, to organise its Allegro chess tournaments. For more information about Tornelo, go to